

电话(Tel):001 732-246-3001  +1 908 295 3915

传真(Fax):001 732-246-3004


电子邮箱(E-Mail):mani@gdbinternational.com  nicole@gdbinternational.com  chen@gdbinternational.com  ying@gdbinternational.com

GDB 国际有限公司是一家向全世界出口废金属和废塑料的公司,坐落于美国新泽西州埃迪森。我们的使命是为金属和塑料行业提供以客户为中心的解决方案。GDB 是一个灵活,高效和创新的组织,在美国本土拥有多个仓库。GDB 是美国目前唯一一个可以经营不同回收商品的出口商,例如, 废金属,废纸,废塑料膜,副牌颗粒以及涂料。

GDB 公司年销售额接近1.5 亿美金,还被INC 杂志评为增长最快5000 强私营企业之一。有关财政信息可以从D&B 的网站上看,总裁是Sunil Bagaria 先生。

GDB 是一家主要出口废旧金属的贸易企业,经营的产品其中包括以废铜,废铝和废五金为主的废旧金属,以及废塑料。例如,金属方面有汽车切片,电机,老扁机,铜铝水箱,黄杂铜,黄铜水箱,红铜,ICW 铜线等,塑料方面有LDPE 废膜,干净的LLDPE 废料,HDPE,PP 废料等。平均每个月向美国本土市场,印度和中国市场出口量超过500 个柜子的。我们为客户提供专业的行业知识,及时的现货和期货市场信息,优质的客户服务,专业物流和强大的财政支持,进而让我们的金属和塑料业务飞速增长 。

GDB International, Inc. is located in New Brunswick, NJ, USA and exporting metal and plastic scrap worldwide. Our mission is to provide customer-focused solutions for the metal and plastic industry. GDB International, Inc. is a flexible, responsive and innovative organization. GDB owns and exports from multiple warehouses located in the US.GDB International is the only major US Exporter who is currently exporting four different recycled commodities, i.e. Scrap metal, stock lot paper, plastic film scrap and off grade resins and paints.

The GDB International, Inc. is one of the fastest growing companies as recognized by 5000 INC with annual sales exceeding US$150 millions. The financial details are available through D&B website. Sunil Bagaria is the President of GDB International.

GDB International is a leading trader and exporter of scrap metal including copper scrap, brass scrap, aluminum scrap, Zorba, Taint Tabor, Tense, Electrical Motors, Meat Balls, Talk, Honey, Ocean, Ebony, Insulated Copper Wire, Stainless and Alloy Scrap, Mill Scale, and Plastic Film Scrap LDPE and LLDPE clear, natural grades, Camel back, PP and LDPE purges. We export more than 500 containers per month of metal plastic scrap to the US domestic, India and China markets. Our strong product knowledge, physical and futures market information, excellent customer service, logistics expertise and strong financial support to the customers andconsumers have made the metal and plastic scrap division grow at a very fast rate.

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电话:010-8229 0313/8833 4677

传真:010-8229 3048/8833 4655

