TOMRA Sorting Technology(xiamen) Co., Ltd
电话(Tel):0592 5720780
传真(Fax):0592 5720779
电子邮箱(E-Mail): inquiry.china@tomra.com
陶朗集团成立于1972年,迄今已有6000多台用于回收分选系统在全球运行。 陶朗X光分选机可去除破碎废铝中的锌、铁、铜、不锈钢、铝包铁等杂质,分选后废铝纯度可达99%以上。COMBISENSE分选机能够自动回收纯净的铜,黄铜,锌组分以及印刷电路板,最终产出单一的有色金属废料。 分选过程无需使用水和介质,节能、环保、无污染;分选精度高,可处理5mm的小粒径破碎料;智能化方案,分选成本低,整线只需一名操作员。
Innovators in the field of sensor-based sorting solutions for the recycling industry, we TOMRA are developing and continuously optimizing our wealth of expertise since 1972. The demand for our solutions has grown vastly from base markets to emerging markets. Currently, there are more than 6,000 TOMRA machines installed worldwide, giving us a global market share of more than 60%. Our technology and equipment have proven to be an instrumental force in the world’s most advanced recycling plants. TOMRA X-TRACT sorting machine can effectively remove zinc, iron, copper, stainless steel, aluminum-clad iron and other impurities from scrap aluminum, and the purity of the scrap aluminum can reach higher than 99% after sorting. And by using TOMRA sorting machine COMBISENCE, the mixed copper, brass, zinc and other metals are divided into single kind of metals of high purity. The sorting process does not need to use water and other media, so it is energy-saving and environmentally friendly. It can process small size of crushed materials of 5mm. And it’s an intelligent solution so the whole process line only needs one operator.
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传真:(86)10-5889 2602
手机(Cellphone):+852 6270 8669