Wuxi Crystal Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd
无锡科里斯特智能设备有限公司专注于再生资源和原生矿产工业智能分选机的设计和制造。公司面向再生有色金属的提纯和回收、选煤、电池回收等领域,创新研发了基于融合分选专利技术的新一代绿色智能分选设备。将先进的人工智能、图像识别和工业智能软件技术应用于再生资源加工处理、垃圾回收利用,致力于不断提升分选设备的性能和经济效益。 公司主要产品有XTAL智能金属分选机、XTAL智能干法选煤机,广泛应用于再生金属企业、资源回收料场、煤矿等。
Wuxi Crystal Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd specializes in the design and manufacture of industrial intelligent separators for renewable resources and the original minerals. The company has innovatively developed a new generation of green intelligent sorting equipment based on patented fusion sorting technology for the fields of purification and recovery of recycled non-ferrous metals, coal preparation, and battery recovery. The advanced artificial intelligence, image recognition and industrial intelligent software technology have applied to the renewable resources processing and garbage recycling to continuously improve the customer’s performance and economic benefits. Main products, include XTAL intelligent metal separator and XTAL intelligent dry coal separator, are widely used in recycled metal enterprises, resource recovery stockyards, coal mines, etc.
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