


我的有色网是上海钢联电子商务股份有限公司(股票代码:300226)旗下有色金属行业门户网站,集有色金属产业资讯、数据平台、研究咨询、价格指数等为一体的有色金属专业网站,提供专业的有色资讯交互平台、一站式有色金属电子商务服务。 我的有色网是有色企业发布和获取信息、寻觅商机的重要平台,每日实时跟踪有色金属产业的最新动态,日均点击率突破三百万,居同类有色金属网站前列。 我的有色网希望帮助市场参与者把握有色金属市场的运行脉搏,发现市场价格运行之规律,以独立客观、真实准确的价格数据与产业资讯,为全球用户提供定价参考和决策依据,期望在全球有色金属市场上能够发出中国有色金属行业的强音!

Mymetal is a portal website of Shanghai Ganglian E-commerce Holdings Co.,Ltd.(StockCode:300226),which integrates non-ferrous metals industry information,electronic/web-based data services,consulting services,price index,etc.It provides professional non-ferrous metals information interaction platform and one-stop non-ferrous metals e-commerce services. Mymetal is an important platform in which non-ferrous enterprises release and get information,looking for business opportunities.Mymetal.net has more than 3 million hits per day. Mymetal wants to help market participants to hold the non-ferrous metals market and find the principle of market price run.It provides independent, objective,truthful price data and industry information.We expect to be able to send out the strong voice of China nonferrous metal industry in the global nonferrous metal market. 

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