地址(Address):Industrial Area #10, P.O.Box 7067, Sharjah, UAE

联系人(Contact):Judy Zhang(张菊飞)

电话(Tel):+971 6534 6454/0574-87476801(宁波)





PGI 集团是一家领先的废金属回收公司,成功运作于中东、东南亚、远东、西非和欧洲。开创于1999年,从一家小料场开始,一直无私承诺注重环境和保护大自然,现已有幸跻身龙头企业之列。

在产品质量方面,我们使用对环境最好和最安全的技术方案,并为工人提供良好的工作环境。 资源回收是获得原材料的次要来源,它比直接利用原材料更具成本效益,对自然环境的伤害更少。

随着时间的发展,PGI 集团已拥有全球供应链。我们处理所有主要的有色金属和非有色金属,如铝、锌、紫铜、黄铜、铅、废五金、电线、不锈钢、废钢等。在回收过程中,我们严格按照程序和规范操作。当废料进入其中一个料场时,我们会进行如下操作:分类(对能简单区分的金属),破碎(从混合物从提取),介质分离,切割和打包。我们致力于高效的处理大批量订单,并相信通过优质的服务与客户建立合作关系。

PGI 集团拥有一支高度熟练的,技术先进的专业团队。我们的专业人员会按照国际标准对货物进行评估和手工检测,为您的每一票订单把关。我们在阿联酋和泰国各设有2个料场,在印度设有1个料场,在中国,韩国,贝宁设有办事处。

PGI Group is a leading edge scrap and metal recycling company operating successfully in Middle East, South East, Far East Asia, West Africa and Europe. The success story started back in 1999 with just a small yard and the selfless commitment, our concern towards the nature; we now have the honor to stand amongst the leading companies.

In terms of Quality of production, we use the best and safest technological solutions that are pertinent to environment and offers right working environment to the workmen. Recycling has economic benefits over direct sources as recycling is secondary source of acquiring raw material; it is much more cost effective and less harming to nature.

PGI Group has a global supply chain which is subsequently rising with time. We handle all major Ferrous and Non-Ferrous scrap supply like Aluminium, Zinc, Copper, Brass, Lead, Mixed Metals, ICW, Stainless Steel, HMS, etc. We follow strict procedures and all the laid norms during recycling of metals. When the scrap arrives at one of our facilities, following processing methods are used: Sorting (for easily separable metals), Shredding (for extraction from a mixture), Media Separation, Shearing and Baling. We are committed to handle efficient supply of bulk orders in a specified amount of a time. We believe in building relations with clients through quality service.

PGI Group is backed by highly skilled, technically advanced team of expert technicians who are striving hard to get you the best quality material with every order that you place with us. Our experts do a manual assessment and quality checks based on the international standards. We have 2 yards in UAE, 2 yards in Thailand, 1 yard in India & have operative offices in China, Korea, Benin.


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